
By Mireille McKee

A couple years back, after two decades as the Director of Little Wonders, I made the decision to step down from the helm and planned to retire in June 2020. It was a difficult decision, but I felt like it was time for change.  But then COVID happened, and with the challenges posed by the pandemic, both professionally and personally, the time wasn't quite right for that change. Now, after a successful reopening and search for the new Director, it's finally time. 

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Little Wonders has been a huge part of my life since I started as a teacher in 1994. Being involved with the program and in the community has given me immeasurable joy and allowed me to grow in so many different ways. The diversity of our families has encouraged my curiosity, interests, and tolerance, as we've navigated together the challenges of parenting.  I feel so privileged to have been such an integral part of our families lives and able to support and nurture the growth of both children and parents. I’ve been honored by the trust and deep friendships we've fostered. It's these relationships that we've nurtured for 27 years that I'll miss most about the job.

As many of you know, I've long dreamed of opening a Bed and Breakfast in Lake Tahoe. The intention to actualize this dream was a big part of my decision to retire, but I also felt strongly that the time was ripe for new and younger leadership. Leaving is bittersweet, but I'm so excited and grateful to be leaving the reins on this program to former parent and staff member Maggie Ball. Maggie attended Little Wonders with all three of her children, and now that they are all in school full-time, she's excited to take on more and jump into the role of Director. We have a remarkable staff that is excited to support Maggie and see her grow in this position. Our beloved Suzanne Zaino will continue what she is so excellent at, teaching and creating curriculum, alongside her coaching business. Suzanne has been an incredible asset to our families, particularly through this pandemic. I plan to remain involved with the program, teaching a few classes during the Fall semester and mentoring Maggie as the new Director. My friendships with Maggie and Suzanne extend far beyond the professional realm and will hopefully continue to grow throughout this next phase of our journey. 

We've grown so much together, especially over this past year, and I remain committed to seeing our community develop resilience and continue to play, learn and grow together. 

